Now showing items 181-200 of 417

    • Development of a five star hotel at Chittagong 

      Islam, Md Mazbah-Ul- (BRAC University, 2019-02-10)
      The core idea of this project is to design different types of spaces which will give the accommodation facilities side by side it will give the mental satisfaction of its users. Tourist and local people will get the five ...
    • Proyash institute for special education and research center, Chittagong 

      Khan, Salima Sharmin (BRAC University, 2019-02-10)
      Disability in a physical or mental condition, present from early childhood, characterized by great difficulty in communicating and forming relationships with other people and in using language and abstract concepts. People ...
    • IT park, Comilla 

      Zaman, Md. Kazi Rafid Bin (BRAC University, 2019-02-10)
      The idea of IT Park speaks to a method towards technology, research and development. As data innovation has been apparent as the top need segment by concepts making move from agro to modern economy to data economy, most ...
    • Branding Jamdani : a platform for Jamdani weaving heritage 

      Amir, Sanjida (BRAC University, 2019-02)
      ‘Jamdani’ is a proud name for Bangladesh as it has established the first GI product tag on behalf of Bangladesh. My research has firmly concluded that instead of this remarkable achievement we are stilling lagging behind ...
    • Divisional public library, Rajshahi 

      Tasnim, Fariha (BRAC University, 2019-02-10)
      Library is a center of city from where a community get illuminated. Down to dusk of history this is a very important and sacred place, as birthplace of ideas and innovations. At present library is going through a transition ...
    • Muslim institute cultural complex : finding the middle ground 

      Hauqe, Ehsanul (BRAC University, 2018)
      The project is about building a cultural center for Chittagong city in order to fulfill the city‟s need of a platform to celebrate the culture of Chittagong which will encourage people of all ages , gender and casts to ...
    • Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose memorial complex and centre for innovation 

      Islam, Nurul (BRAC University, 2019-02-10)
      Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose was a man ahead of his time. He accomplished and surpassed many hurdles and deviated many laws of science. He was known for being a polymath and established Calcutta Bose Institute. Born in ...
    • National Gene Bank, Ganakbari, Ashulia 

      Fahim, Fahim Shahrear (BRAC University, 2018)
      As a developing country Bangladesh, need opportunity to have a proper place for genetical research and a gene bank. In almost every developed country there is a gene bank, which serves the nation in various way. The Gene ...
    • Cultural centre, Hatirjhhel, Dhaka 

      Simi, Sumaiya Ara (BRAC University, 2019-02-10)
      The aim of this project was to create a cultural destination for the for the people of Dhaka city. A place where people can wander and explore different street ambience that reflects the cultural ambience of Bangladesh. ...
    • Manipuri Lalitkala Academy : a socio-cultural platform, Sylhet 

      Saad, Sakib Samiul (BRAC University, 2018)
      Bangladesh is now not only a place to mainstream Bengali’s but also to more than forty-five indigenous categories of people substantially dwelling in the course of the hilly and smooth areas of the country. Manipuri is one ...
    • Prottoy Healing Sanctuary : psychiatry and de-addiction rehabilitation center Narsingdhi, Bangladesh 

      Showrab, Shahriaz Alam (BRAC University, 2018)
      It was a hot, humid summer of the year 2018 CE. The monsoon clouds drifted early on towards the Himalayas, as they brought about occasional downpours across the sun-scorched plains of the fertile Bengal delta. Amidst the ...
    • Airmen training institute BAF Base Sergeant Zahurul Haque, Patenga, Chittagong 

      Shadman, kazi (BRAC University, 2018)
      Bangladesh Air Force is the ultimate aerial warfare branch of the country. Since the force is the ultimate protector of the sky of the country, their training contains a lot technical, physical and mental exercises and ...
    • অনুঘটক : Reviving the lost heritage of Mainamati 

      Khan, Faiyaz Hasnain (BRAC University, 2018)
      Archaeology is the threshold between the past and the present. Bangladesh is blessed with rich archaeological wealth, especially of the medieval period both during the Muslim and pre-Muslim rules. Unfortunately, many of ...
    • Infusing public interaction in mixed use development through architectural intervention at Mirpur 2 

      Nova, Rahfatun Nisa (BRAC University, 2012-08)
      Dhaka city has been highly populated & the same time dense with both the planned & unplanned buildings. Some of them are governmental complexes which are sustainable & more open for mass gathering in comparison with the ...
    • Bangladesh national cadet corps academy complex and training institute Savar, Bangladesh 

      Mimma, Raihatul Zannah (2018-03)
      The young people of today are the future leaders of tomorrow, therefore to hone their skills and prepare them for the struggles of tomorrow, physically and intellectually, is of utmost importance. Currently our youth ...
    • High rise apartment complex: Purbachal new town 

      Islam, Warda (BRAC University, 2018)
      Dhaka city became one of the most densely populated cities due to daily migration of thousands of people from the outskirts in search of job, pursuing education , etc. This gave rise to the urban population beyond limit. ...
    • Rethinking Nilsagar : a fusion of archaeological and socio- cultural hub Nilphamari 

      Ali, Faiza (BRAC University, 2018)
      Our country has a long history of enriched civilization and culture. Many historical and archeological places didn’t get focused and conserved. Nilsagar is from 10 to 11 century and built for the general people. The ...
    • Campus planning of ASA University of Bangladesh 

      Alam, Afia (BRAC University, 2018)
    • বাতায়ন : breathing space within extreme urban density 

      Imtiaz, Nafis (BRAC University, 2018)
      Mogbazar intersection is one of the busiest nodes in Dhaka. Amid extreme urban density and a multitude of socio-economic issues, the introduction of fly-overs without much consideration of the area itself introduced further ...
    • Hotel & resort spa for SQ GROUP 

      Faruq, Fadel Samad (BRAC University, 2016)
      SQ Group of companies consists of factories dealing with the RMG sector of Bangladesh. SQ's new venture is to construct a resort, mainly aimed towards their employees and foreign guests. The resort is to obtain a 5-star ...