Now showing items 1-10 of 11
Availability and rational use of drugs in primary healthcare facilities following the National Drug Policy of 1982: is Bangladesh on right track?
(BRAC Research and Evaluation Division (RED), 2010)
In Bangladesh, the National Drug Policy (NDP) 1982 was instrumental in improving the supply of essential drugs of quality at an affordable price, especially in the early years. However, over time, evidence showed that the ...
Maternal care practices among the ultra poor households in rural Bangladesh: a qualitative exploratory study
(BRAC Research and Evaluation Division (RED), 2010)
Background Although many studies have been carried out to learn about maternal care practices in rural areas and urban-slums of Bangladesh, none have focused on ultra poor women. Understanding the context in which women ...
Mother knowledge and health-seeking behavior towards childhood TB
(BRAC Research and Evaluation Division (RED), 2013-03)
Introduction: BRAC in association with NTP recently started the community-based child
TB programme. So far, no independent study has been conducted to explore the extent to
which the objectives of the programme have been ...
Tuberculosis in 'hard to reach' areas: misperceptions, knowledge, health-seeking behaviour, and challenges
(BRAC Research and Evaluation Division (RED), 2013-03)
This study was conducted to explore the knowledge and perceptions of health workers
and community people about tuberculosis in geographically inaccessible (hard-to-reach)
tuberculosis (TB) programme areas of BRAG. The ...
Lives and livelihoods on the streets of Dhaka city: findings from a population-based exploratory survey
(BRAC, 2011-03)
BRAC has long been working to empower people and communities in situations of
poverty, illiteracy, disease and social injustice. In recent years, BRAC has extended
its activities to include the urban poor population ...
"Why do I have to clean teeth regularly?": perceptions and state of oral and dental health in a low-income rural community in Bangladesh
(BRAC Research and Evaluation Division (RED), 2011-03)
The general perception that dentistry is expensive keeps many people away from
seeking treatment from registered professionals and make them hostage to the
services of non-registered lay practitioners. In Bangladesh, no ...
Current state of the Model Shasthya Shebikas of BRAC: a quick exploration of the 'pilot project for SS sustainability'
(BRAC Research and Evaluation Division (RED), 2011-12)
Beyond drugs: TB patients in Bangladesh need urgent attention for nutrition support during convalescence
(BRAC Research and Evaluation Division (RED), 2013-03)
Tuberculosis (TB) is a global disease, which is responsible for 1.4 million deaths each
year (WHO 2010). Bangladesh is the sixth highest TB-burden country in the world. TB
treatment may be complicated when malnutrition ...
Revisiting the ARI Programme of BRAC: how well are we doing?
(BRAC Research and Evaluation Division (RED), 2011-06)
The ARI (Acute Respiratory Infection) control programme of BRAC has been in
operation for the last few years. No independent evaluation has so far been
conducted to explore how far the objectives of the programme have ...
Knowledge and practice of formal physicians regarding control and prevention of TB in light of national guidelines
(BRAC Research and Evaluation Division (RED), 2013)
The study explored the current knowledge and practice of interns and general physicians
regarding control and prevention of tuberculosis in light of national guidelines. The study
was conducted on 13 public and seven ...