Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Enhancing bank loyalty through the practice of sustainable banking 

      Hossain, S.M. Modasser (Brac University, 2022-01)
      The report on the internship is written as part of BBA program of Brac University. This paper is about ‘Enhancing bank loyalty through the practice of sustainable banking’. The purpose of this report is to let the reader ...
    • Green banking practices of Agrani Bank Limited 

      Nira, Zarin Tasnim (Brac University, 2024-02)
      Green banking aims to halt environmental damage and improve the livability of this world. This comes in a variety of forms. Providing cutting-edge green products, such as using online banking instead of branch banking, ...
    • Sustainable banking approach of the City Bank and its impacts 

      Faruk, Samira (Brac University, 2023-12)
      This report covers my work experience of a 3-month internship at the retail banking branch of the city bank. The City Bank is widely recognized for being one of the top innovative and sustainable private banks in the ...
    • Sustainable banking: a conscious thought for making differences 

      Islam, Nazneen (BRAC University, 2016-06-01)
      The report titled, “Sustainable Banking, A conscious thought for Making Differences”, has been made on the experiences gathered by working on Bank Asia Ltd, Shantinagar Branch. Bank Asia Ltd has been launched by a group ...