Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Human resource management system 

      Shams, Iftakhar Rasul (Brac University, 2023-09)
      Internships offer students valuable opportunities for experiential learning outside of the conventional academic setting, enabling learners to cultivate competencies, knowledge, and interpersonal aptitudes via hands-on ...
    • Information frictions in the labor market: Evidence from a field experiment in Uganda 

      Bass, Vittorio; Nansamba, Aisha (Growth and Labour Markets in Low Income Countries Program, 2017-04)
      We study how a lack of information on the skills of workers affects both employers and job seekers. To do so, we design and implement a field experiment in the Ugandan labour market: through the provision of certifications, ...
    • Information frictions in the labor market: Evidence from a field experiment in Uganda 

      Bass, Vittorio; Nansamba, Aisha (Growth and Labour Markets in Low Income Countries Program, 2017-04)
      We study how a lack of information on the skills of workers affects both employers and job seekers. To do so, we design and implement a field experiment in the Ugandan labour market: through the provision of certifications, ...