Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Employer branding of Robi Axiata Limited 

      Fayem, Naimul Hasan (BRAC University, 2014-05-17)
      Robi Axiata Limited is one of the largest telecom companies in Bangladesh and day by day they are doing very good. They brought a huge change after they are rebranded form AKTEL to Robi. Gradually they are improving ...
    • Evaluating the impact of employer branding initiatives on talent acquisition at 10 Minute School 

      Mantua, Nayefa Sultana (Brac University, 2022-10)
      This internship report contains in detail research on the employer branding initiatives of 10 Minute School and its impact on the talent acquisition process. In this 21st century, employer branding is one of the key ...
    • Exploring the effectiveness of talent acquisition and employ branding of BRAC Bank LTD 

      Islam, Nabila (Brac University, 2023-07)
      This internship report gives a general summary of BRAC Bank Limited's initiatives in employer branding and talent acquisition. The success of these tactics is evaluated by the study through an analysis of information ...
    • An overview of the HR of the City Bank Ltd 

      Islam, Humaira (BRAC University, 2016-12-19)
      Internship is the way of introducing students to the practical world. In order to complete the B.B.A program it is mandatory for students to write an internship report. This report shows the application of the academic ...