Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Translation in L2 learning: beliefs and strategy use on writing skills of junior secondary level learners
(BRAC University, 2019-04)
Translation has a noteworthy historical background towards second language learning but to some
extent, several researchers demonstrate that it only draws to shortsighted balanced connection
between the local and second ...
Cultural barriers and intercultural competence of international students at a private university in Bangladesh: a qualitative study
(Brac University, 2024-05)
The aim of the study is to explore Cultural Barriers and Intercultural Competence of
International Students at a Private University; especially, in an ESOL context such as
Bangladesh where the country is predominantly ...
Films & TV series influence in foreign language learning to Bangladeshi learners: a mixed method research
(Brac University, 2024-05)
Language expertise and comprehension is very much consequential for potential learners. As
world is upgraded day by day, knowing more than two languages is considered a great skill
and also appreciated in every sector. ...
Analysis ESL teachers' motivational strategies in virtual classrooms: a study in Bangladeshi EFL context
(Brac University, 2021-06)
Motivation is one of the most critical factors that determine success in foreign language/second language learning. Because of its importance, L2 motivation is considered a great area of interest for researchers and ...
An examination of the English language teaching and learning practices at two schools for underprivileged children in Dhaka
(Brac University, 2023-06)
This study aims to explore the English language teaching and learning practices at two schools for underprivileged children in Dhaka, Bangladesh. This study was conducted in two NGO schools in Dhaka following a qualitative ...