Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Back to English classrooms: Teachers’ and students’ perceptions on reopened schools
(Brac University, 2022-09)
This study intends to explore the perception of secondary level students and teachers regarding
their experiences of reopened schools. It also focuses on the challenges they faced while
attending face to face classes. ...
Exploring post-pandemic reading habit changes among secondary level students of Bangladesh: challenges and opportunities
(Brac University, 2024-05)
The use of Technology for educational purposes is one of the latest steps towards development for the Bangladeshi academic context since the COVID-19 pandemic. Among many changes in the education system, it is noticeable ...
The psycho-social challenges faced by Bangladeshi tertiary level students during the Covid -19 pandemic
(Brac University, 2023-12)
The COVID-19 pandemic had a harmful impact on the students around the world and in Bangladesh as well. Hence, this study aims at exploring the psycho-social challenges the Bangladeshi students, particularly the students ...
Shifts in assessment in higher education: students’ and teachers’ perceptions
(Brac University, 2023-05)
Educational Assessment has immense impact on students‟ academic lives and careers. In the higher educational scenario, assessment determines the potentiality and required skills of the graduates. In the context of Bangladesh, ...