Standard request for proposal documents of PPR, 2008 under un procurement manual - a review
Central Procurement Technical Unit (CPTU) prepared different types of Tender / Proposal
Documents for Goods, Works Procurement and Consultant Selection those reflected the
essence of PPR, 2008 and PPA, 200. The review of the Standard Request for Proposal
Documents (SRFP) under United Nations (UN) procurement manual performs the
comparison of related clauses of consultant selection from the SRFPs and the UN
procurement manual. The study mainly confined with the documents of National Consulting
Firm Selection (PS7) & International Consulting Firm Selection (PS11) available in the
CPTU’s website. The study is to find out the loopholes of both SRFPs comparing the related
terms and conditions of UN Procurement Manual and PPR, 2008. The study finds some of
the difficulties and dissimilarities between the Rules and the terms of SRFPs. Moreover it
also finds the lack of tune in harmonization of clauses of SRFPs and inconsistency of
applicability of similar clauses. Though some of the SRFPs give the PE the more wide
options of applications of certain terms and conditions, it makes the documents a bit more
complex to use. Again in some cases or situations the PE’s option is limited by the clauses of
SRFPs which in terms simplified the documents. However, being recent introduction of
SRFPs by the CPTU and the documents are still in the draft form and being modified time to
time with the change of Rules and Acts and also the difficulties faced by the concerned PE to
apply the SRFP documents in consultant selection process. The review finds that some fine
tuning of the SRFP documents may make those very high standards of documents and those
can be compared with the model form of contracts. The author refers to some further study of
the SRFP documents (PS7 & PS11) in comparison with the proposal documents of UN and
with view to the experts of PPR, 2008 and UN Procurement for fine tuning and actual
findings of laps and gaps of the consultant selection documents. Finally the study describes
its findings at concluding part and recommends some inclusions to enrich the consultant
selection documents. In addition to that the author suggests further study for enhancement of
the SRFPs (PS7 & PS11) for the selection of national and international consultant.