Browsing Journal Article by Title
Now showing items 4-23 of 43
Credibility of TV news in a developing country: the case of Bangladesh
(© 2012 AEJMC., 2012)Television has recently experienced unprecedented expansion in Bangladesh. Given its popularity and influence, and with more people using it for their information, research on the credibility of TV news is warranted. ... -
Customer satisfaction in the restaurant industry: an examination of the transaction-specific model
(© 2006 Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2006)Purpose – To determine the factors that explain customer satisfaction in the full service restaurant industry. Design/methodology/approach – Secondary research and qualitative interviews were used to build the model ... -
Customer satisfaction with complaint resolution in the power sector in a developing economy
(© 2012 Taylor and Francis Group, LLC., 2012)Public services play a critical role in helping nations evolve into modern societies. The power sector is especially vital because of its profound influence on other sectors of the economy. Unfortunately, the power sector ... -
Delivering primary education in Bangladesh: enabling the field personnel
(© 1998 Published by MCB UP Ltd., 1998)To transform the population of Bangladesh into a more literate and numerate group so that higher‐order nation building objectives can be attained, primary education has a vital role to play. Its effective delivery depends ... -
Dependence relations and the moderating role of trust: implications for behavioral intentions in marketing channels
(© 1995 Published by Elsevier Inc., 1995)This paper examines how the behavioral intentions of channel members are likely to be moderated by trust perceptions when dependence is high or low. An experimental research methodology using a 2 × 2 factorial design was ... -
Determinants of customer satisfaction with hospitals: a managerial model
(© 1998 Published by MCB UP Ltd., 1998)States that rapid changes in the environment have exerted significant pressures on hospitals to incorporate patient satisfaction in their strategic stance and quest for market share and long‐term viability. This study ... -
Do warranties influence perceptions of service quality?: a study of the automobile repair and service industry
(© 1998 Published by Elsevier Ltd., 1998)The relationship between customers' overall evaluation of service quality and five factors — perceived fairness, empathy, responsiveness, reliability, and convenience — was examined in the automobile repair and service ... -
Doctors' service orientation in public, private, and foreign hospitals
(© 2007 Emerald Group Publishing Limited., 2007)The purpose of this study is to propose a doctors' service orientation (DSO) scale and uses it to compare the services received in public, private and foreign hospitals in a developing country from the patient's perspective. ... -
The effect of board’s quality on performance: a study of Canadian firms
(© 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2007)We investigate the impact of board’s quality as defined by a Score published in a Canadian National Newspaper on the performance of the firm. Based on the current literature, we ranked the boards of 219 Canadian firms ... -
An examination of the effects of adaptive selling behavior and customer orientation on performance of pharmaceutical salespeople in an emerging market
(© 2013 The Author(s), SAGE Journals, 2013)The effects of salespeople's customer orientation and adaptive selling behavior on their performance have been frequently studied in the marketing literature. However, most of the studies were conducted in the developed ... -
An experimental investigation of satisfaction and commitment in marketing channels: the role of trust and dependence
(© 1996 Published by Elsevier Inc., 1996)This paper examines the independent and interactive effects of trust and dependence on satisfaction and commitment in a contrived dyadic exchange relationship. Trust and dependence were manipulated in a 2 × 2 factorial ... -
Explaining industrial importers' commitment from an emerging market perspective: theoretical and managerial insights
(© 2014 Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2014)This study seeks to provide insights concerning the predictors of industrial importers' commitment to their foreign suppliers in a relationship paradigm involving an emerging market. Design/methodology/approach: Integrating ... -
Explaining the commitment of family planning fieldworkers in Bangladesh
(© 1996 Guttmacher Institute, 1996)Fieldworkers are a crucial component of the family planning program in Bangladesh; yet, the factors influencing fieldworkers' commitment--an important determinant of program effectiveness--have not previously been explored. ... -
Explaining user satisfaction with academic libraries: strategic implications
(© American Library Association, Chicago, 1998-03)Competitive pressures, information availability, rising costs, and an increasingly aware and selective student population mandate that academic libraries become more user focused. This calls for a better understanding of ... -
Factors influencing customer trust in salespersons in a developing country
(© 1996 American Marketing Association, 1996)Research on trust is limited in the context of developing countries. Because of its importance in facilitating exchange, this study attempts to assess the determinants of customer trust in salespersons in a developing ... -
Family planning field workers in Bangladesh as influence agents: some policy implications
(© Department of Health Policy and Administration, School of Public Health University of North Carolina, 2011-10)The family planning program in Bangladesh is one of the country’s success stories. However, in the quest to gain cost efficiencies, there are suggestions to scale back the role of the family planning field workers so ... -
Hospital advertising: the Influence of perceptual and demographic factors on consumer dispositions
(© 1994 MCB UP Limited, 1994)Examines the factors that influence consumer dispositions toward hospital advertising. Both perceptual and demographic variables were included in the analysis. The results suggest that when hospital advertisements are ... -
How consumers view hospital advertising
(© 1994 The Haworth Press, Inc., 1994)This paper examines consumer attitudes toward hospital advertising. The results do not support recent findings in other professional fields that consumers are favorably disposed toward this marketing activity. From a ... -
A model of customer-centric banking practices for corporate clients in Bangladesh
(© 2016 Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., 2016)Customer-centric banking envisions that banks should meet both tangible and intangible satisfaction criteria of their customers. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the customer-centric banking practices that drive ... -
A multivariate model of perceived quality in a developing country
(© 2007 Published by Taylor & Francis Online, 2007)This paper integrates past research and proposes a framework for the analysis of consumer perceptions of quality in a developing country. In this framework, consumer-perceived quality is hypothesized to be formed from ...