Study of SMS security as part of an electronic voting system
E-voting is a new technology in voting system. Recently it was experimented
in UK. Basically, this system is proposed to work via Short Message System
(SMS). Using secure messaging system we are trying to develop the e-voting
system here in our country. Our goal is to develop a system, which will be
able to send SMS from a registered cell phone to a server located in the base
polling station and cast a vote for a voter. The system must be secured so
that while voting, no outside interference can be made to change the vote. So,
there will be no tension of casting false vote. By the help of this system our
voters will be able to cast their votes in a secure way and also the results will
be available immediately when the vote casting finishes. This is going to be a
pioneer change in our voting system. Some work on this proposed system
has already been done. We wish to carry out the proposed system into further
details. That is security aspects and implementation.