Magic wand :play magically in a scientific way
We are working on an automated chess board which is hand free chess board. The type of our chess board is human verses human (H v H). In human vs. human, two players can play through a computer. Chess is a very famous and intellectual game all over the world but the chess board is annihilated because of advance technology. To relate the tradition with the technology, we decided to make an automated chess board. It has also inspired us to give a technical form to an ancient game. We have come up with an efficient solution to preserve our heritage by implementing scientifically. It is not only for fun but it can be very useful too. That is why this project seemed very challenging and purposeful to us. In our project, players will give commands through a computer and the chess pieces will automatically start moving on the board. We have used 30X24 inch wooden board as the chess board. Then we have used drawer channels to create X axis and Y axis. In each axis faul habor motor is attached. An actuator is used along with a powerful magnet which is placed on the top of the actuator to move the chess pieces on board. To control both motors a motor driver was used.