International brands limited : MGH group
This report is about my experience and learning‟s as an employee of International Brands Limited. I am showing this experience as my internship in the Sales and Distribution department of International Brands Limited under the supervision of Sadiya Shahnaz, Sr,executive at HR,IBL. In the report I have explained few of the roles which I have learnt in Sales and Distribution department as well as in Supply Chain department. I gained knowledge on the basic operations of sales like Trade Promotions, Claim Adjustments, Memo Supporting, TSO/ASM job and Market Analysis. Also in the Supply chain department, I learnt operating the enterprise software SAP, to create Purchase Requisition (PR), Purchase Order (PO) and Good Received. The biggest assignment which I have was to conduct Golden Store program and DRCP project in Bangladesh. The Appreciation which I got from my supervisor and the directors on completion of my report was admirable. During this time, I faced few road blocks, but I was able to overcome them by organizing my works and minimizing mistakes on the way. I tried to compare my expectations with my experience and my result was satisfactory. I was able to achieve everything which I expected of. The Golden Store project made me experience more than just the usual learning of internship. All these learning in Sales and Distribution would certainly help me to develop my career in the FMCG sector. As I am determined to do good in the FMCG sector the experience of my internship would certainly enrich my resume and add value to my skills so that I can perform into the FMCG industry and flourish.