Exploring alternative logistic support in Bangladesh facilitating export
Increased participation in world trade is conventionally seen as the single most important key to rapid economic growth and development of the developing countries. The combination of increased competition among developing countries to attract foreign direct investment as locations for labour-intensive processes, crowded markets for labour-intensive manufactures, weak growth and protectionist inclinations in the advanced industrial countries can mean that what might be good for an individual exporter might not be good for all exporters. This analysis poses the vitally important policy challenge of what developing countries, confronted by the vigorous expansion of their foreign trade but no comparable rise in income, should do.
Prospects of instability and conflict in the Third World are one of the major challenges to international export-import security in the era. The challenge is hardly new or unexpected. In the recent era, Third World conflicts, intra-state, inter-state and regional, vastly outnumbered those occurring in the developed segment of the international trade system. But even as the end of the Cold War has been accompanied by the settlement of a number of long-standing regional conflicts, such as in Afghanistan, Southern Africa, Central America, Nigeria, Vietnam, Brazil and Cambodia, new anxieties about Third World conflicts and their wider geopolitical ramifications have emerged.
From a business perspective, supply chain management is not primarily about development, but is one of the most basic strategies of business to deliver output efficiently. However, in recent decades, as companies have responded to increased pressure to demonstrate their contribution to society and economic development, supply chains have gained attention as a lever through which businesses can boost their development impact. Specially, the impact of global supply chain on the business of export-import is significantly high for its direct effect on the effectiveness of the business.The efficiency of supply chain depends on its logistics support as well as the continuous flow of the process. Any disruption between the logistics flow can destroy the whole business. The management of each and every supply chain should consider the emergency option while designing the whole process. The implementation of alternative logistics channel may need a lot of investment but the priority should be to run the economy fluently in crisis period.