Development of a basic Group Support System (GSS) and assessing the impact of its implementation in Bangladeshi organization
A significant technological change for many organizations over the
next several years will be the advent of computing and communication
networks. Local and wide-area networks will affect communication
both within and outside any given locale. The ability to communicate is
needed to perform services, share knowledge and skills in an
increasingly complex business environment, and to increase consensus
on controversial decisions. Recent management science research on
the effect of computer networks on group communication has shown
that the use of the technology opens up opportunities to improve
interactions among individuals working together by using Group
Support System (GSS). One of the most heralded features of GSS is its
ability to democratize group processes. But in Bangladesh the
communication system between the offices personnel is not very
strong. In our survey we have found some lacking like low
organizational efficiency, lack of proper reporting in work place, lack of
proper monitoring etc. are very common in Bangladeshi organizations.
After survey we designed and developed a basic GSS to bridge the gap
between the ideal situation and the current situation. We implemented
this system in several Bangladeshi organizations and tried to evaluate
the impact of its implementation. The implications of these findings for
research on GSS use are examined, and directions for future research
are offered.
Task management is a new technology for office work environment.
This system offers the facilities for efficient and better working
atmosphere. Our goal is to develop a system, which would be able to
convert the manual method of an office management system into a
computerized system. It will contain all the necessary information of
office personnel maintaining the hierarchy of the office and also
upgrade the daily activities. It will be a network based system. The
interface is same for all users but the working environment is different.
Each user will have individual password so that no one can invade
anyone's personal space. The system will also provide a better time
management. By the help of this system the user will also be able to
keep track of their documents and manage them efficiently. This
system will provide a great opportunity for office management system.