A comparative analysis of service quality of Airtel with other private telecommunication companies
The research intends to a comparative analysis of perceived service quality of Airtel, the
GSM mobile telephony service provider in Bangladesh with other service providers in
Bangladesh with other private telecommunication service providers in Bangladesh. It is a
descriptive study in nature which identifies the difference among the study variables such
reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and tangibles. The sample for this study was
the subscribers of Grameenphone, Banglalink, Robi, Citycell and Airtel. The researcher
distributed 250 questionnaires among the respondents. Sufficient literature review and
discussion suggest that the service influence the perception that consumers have regarding a
company’s service. The the data for the study identifies the difference between the above
mentioned study variables.
The recommendation of the study thus has been done to develop the overall service quality
by considering the discussed dimensions to provide a long and sustainable positive customer