Online English courses during Covid-19: a qualitative study of exploring rural students’ struggle in online learning
This study aims to explore various barriers encountered by the tertiary level students in
attending online ESL (English as a Second Language) classes. During this pandemic like many
other students tertiary level students, especially students from small town and rural areas, are
also attending online classes. This study, qualitative in nature, explores numerous barriers these
students faced in attending online classes. Students from rural and small town often find it
difficult to compete with the students from urban areas as students from urban areas enjoy
various facilities. During this pandemic this situation becomes worse as rural students and
students from small town are struggling to attend online classes for various reasons. However,
in this study I focus only on the difficulties students from rural and small town faced in
attending online ESL classes. Data has been collected through online interviews due to Covid-
19 pandemic as it was not possible to arrange face to face interviews. The findings of this
research reveal numerous barriers students face in attending online classes. This include lack
of resources, difficulty in communicating with teachers, getting necessary feedback, poor
internet connection and psychological pressure in attending courses. At the end, few
recommendations have been proposed to overcome the problems.
Online ESL courses; Writing skills; Speaking skills; Tertiary level students from sub-rural areasLC Subject Headings
English language--Study and teaching--Foreign speakers.; Distance education; Education, UrbanDescription
This thesis is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Arts in Teaching to Speakers of Other Languages, 2021.Department
Department of English and Humanities, Brac UniversityType
- Thesis, M.A. (English) [136]