Exploring the practice of alternative assessment during Covid-19 of Bangla Medium Secondary Level Teachers and students in Bangladesh
There has never been any successful implementation of alternative assessments previously in schools in
Bangladesh (Podder, 2020 as cited in Podder & Mizan, 2020). During the coronavirus pandemic,
Bangladesh has taken alternative (weekly assignments) initiatives to assess students instead of yearly
exams (Alamgir, 2020). Hence, this study aims to find out the state and the factors of alternative
assessments of English language during the lockdown at the secondary level of Bangla medium (Bangla
version) public and private schools in Dhaka, and gauge to what extent CLT-principles are followed, if
at all. A qualitative approach has been used to collect data through teachers’ and students’ interviews,
and documents collected (assignments) from the students have been analyzed thematically through
coding the written texts. Though the document analysis reveals that writing activities (the only focus of
the English assignment) carry the features of the tasks of CLT – which is the NCTB-mandated English
language teaching approach – findings show that the practice of alternative assessments of English is not
effective among the public and the private school students and teachers because of significantly negative
washback of the SSC exams which is a public summative assessment that follows the traditional
assessment structure. Additionally, the teachers of both public and private schools are found to be using
GTM, practicing topics, activities, exams (traditional assessment) important to the SSC exam and
remained negligent toward the practice of the NCTB-given English assignments, though NCTB has
prohibited the practice of any other assessments (Hasan, 2020). This is mainly due to the lack of teacher
training and unfamiliarity with the new assessment system. In this paper, significant measures to improve
the practice of alternative assessment have been recommended, such as increasing the value of alternative
assessments to be as highly heralded as the SSC exam.
This thesis is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Arts in English, 2022.Department
Department of English and Humanities, Brac UniversityType
- Thesis, B.A. (English) [643]