The impact of watching English movies on learning English as a second language: Perspective of Bangladeshi private university students.
The purpose of this research is to look at how the English movies influence the tertiary level
students of Bangladesh to learn English as their second language. Furthermore, the study also
determined to find out if the participants agree that English movies are useful in acquiring the
language better with regard to the four language skills. To get various and deeper perceptions,
the researcher looked individually at the students from both the Bangla and English medium and
inspected if movies have greater contributions to learn the English language than their
institutional knowledge. The researcher opted for mixed method research methodology and
collected data from 42 participants from two different private universities. The quantitative data
are shown in pie charts using excel and qualitative data are shown through various themes.
Moreover. To determine the influence of the movies, relationship with some factors such as
educational background, age, subtitles has also been discussed. According to the findings,
watching movies has aided participants in enhancing their speaking abilities,listening abilities,
vocabulary, enthusiasm, and motivation, as well as reducing anxiety and stress. However, along
with advantages, disadvantages on the learning process have also been found in this research.
English movies; Bangla medium; English medium; Speaking; Reading; Vocabulary; PronunciationDescription
This thesis is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Arts in English, 2022.Department
Department of English and Humanities, Brac UniversityType
- Thesis, B.A. (English) [643]