Customer service at branch of BRAC Bank
BRAC Bank Limited is a scheduled commercial bank in Bangladesh. BRAC Bank is providing various services to its customers and they are trying to improve every time. The service providers of BRAC bank are the people who are related to the development of bank and customer reliability. As an intern I got the chance to attach at BRAC bank motijheel branch for 12 weeks. The internship is a way to relate practical knowledge with the theoretical knowledge. Based on the observation and question answer session with the Branch Sales and Service Officers (BSSO) I found some unique and common comments on customer service. Bank has some strong points, some weak points and some opportunity along with threats in their customer service. Organization can take steps to get the better output from employees by giving trainings and by increasing the motivation level of employee‟s .To make the strong points sustainable and to develop the weak points BRAC Bank employee satisfaction level need to improve along with better customer packages. Moreover according to the changing economical condition BRAC bank have to change the strategy as well. Because the customer depends on the service selling and they need to differentiate their packages to arrange better customer experience. The level of satisfaction among the customers and employees can go up by the dedicated steps of organization and its necessary.