Comparison between Bengali and English Medium schools’ language teaching materials: a secondary level study
Choosing and utilizing appropriate materials is one of the key elements required for a successful language classroom. That is why, it is crucial to select effective language materials according to the target audiences and their social, political, and financial backgrounds. Afterwards, it is indispensable to evaluate the materials in order to examine whether they contain the required standard that will help learners develop their linguistic and social skills. In Bangladesh, students of Bengali medium schools and English medium schools are the highest users of the language materials. Therefore, this study evaluates language materials of both the mediums and, at the same time, demonstrates a comparison between them. English for Today, which is given by NCTB, has been selected as the material of Bengali medium schools. Secondary English (Book two), which is taught in some of the reputed English medium schools, has been chosen as the material of English medium schools for evaluation. The result and findings demonstrate how different the materials are from each other regarding their nature, characteristics, and overall quality.
Materials evaluation; Bengali and English medium schools; nglish language teaching materialsDescription
This thesis report is submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Arts in Teaching to Speakers of Other Languages, 2021.Department
Department of English and Humanities, Brac UniversityType
- Thesis, M.A. (English) [134]