English in the Linguistic Landscape of Dhaka City: A Case Study
This study examines the linguistic landscape of selective parts of Bangladesh’s capital, Dhaka,
especially the use of English in various visible places. The study explores English is being
exercised by a Bangladeshi society especially in its visibly written form. Linguistic landscape is
an important phenomenon as it gives a visual representation of a city’s language. Data for this
research are collected through capturing still pictures of some of the important places of Dhaka
city. This perceived notion is further being analyzed by keeping the locality of both the city and
the city dwellers in mind. The findings also demonstrate the visual representation of English in
various domains. Selective photos which represent linguistic landscape of the city are analyzed
with the backdrop of socio-linguistic and socio-cultural aspects. Those photos were mostly clicked
in person within a time-lag (2019-2020). It features the words, textual language, images, both signs
and symbols exposed in public. This research with its focus on the diversified usage of the
international language, English by this community people offers completely new fresh insights to
the world-study of this language. It calls for the readers to take pause for a while from their busy
schedules and think what this enigmatic city, Dhaka has to offer within its local language ecology.
This thesis is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Arts in English, 2020.Department
Department of English and Humanities, Brac UniversityType
- Thesis, B.A. (English) [643]