Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Assessing operational status of BRAC Gonokendra Pathagar 

      Khan, Md. Kaisar Ali (BRAC Research and Evaluation Division (RED), 2000-06)
      This study aimed at assessing operational status of the BRAC Gonokendra pathagars. Sixty randomly selected pathagars were surveyed. Data was collected on the basis of some performance indicators. It was found that the ...
    • A follow-up study of the teachers of BRAC schools who lost their job due to shifting of school 

      Khan, Md. Kaisar Ali (BRAC Research and Evaluation Division (RED), 2000-08)
      This study aimed at examining the changes that occur in the lives of the former teachers of BRAC schools who lost their job due to the shifting of schools after completion of the cycles. A total of 386 ex-teachers was ...