Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • An evaluation of primary text materials in terms of the coverage of graded attainable terminal competencies 

      Kalam, Md. Abul; Ghosh, Sanat K. (BRAC Research and Evaluation Division (RED), 2000-04)
      The world conference on Education for All 1990, at Jomtien, Thailand, set a new goal for the developing countries around the world to educate people of these countries with basic education. As a signatory to the declaration ...
    • Research-led curriculum development: pilot study on Mathematics 

      Kalam, Md. Abul; Ashrafuzzaman, SK. Md.; Bareque, Md Abdul; Imam, Syeda Rumnaz (BRAC Research and Evaluation Division (RED), 2000-08)
      The EDU of BRAC's education program has made changes in its curriculum based on the monitoring, research and internal Survey reports which suggested that learners faced difficulty with many sections of different subject ...
    • Research-led curriculum development: pilot study on social studies 

      Imam, Syeda Rumnaz; Howlader, Vibekananda; Khatun, Marzina; Kalam, Md. Abul (BRAC Research and Evaluation Division (RED), 2000-08)
      BRAC's EDU has been working to develop effective materials for it's learners from early on. In phase II the focus was on providing improved materials and refining curriculum to suit the needs of the learners. In the case ...