Now showing items 21-30 of 42
Rose Intimates Ltd.
(Brac University, 2021-05)
Rose Intimates garments started its journey in April 2016 by its five boards of directors. It is
one of the major garments manufacturing organization in Bangladesh. This organization
increasingly reducing its rejection ...
The dynamic productivity change through industrial engineering
(BRAC University, 2019-08-01)
This report summarizes my internship program from May 2019 to July 2019 covering 646.5 hours on going internship. This internship assisted me to have a practical idea about different department & factory of Epyllion Group ...
Operational practices for garment industry of Esquire Knit Composite Ltd.
(Brac University, 2021-04)
I completed this report on the basis of three-monthOperational Practices for Garment Industry
from Esquire Knit Composite Ltd. There are lots of department available in EKCL. Among
them I worked on operation.
Esquire ...
Esquire Knit Composite Limited
(Brac University, 2020-06-10)
The main focus of my industrial attachment is on the operational process of a knitwear industry.
I got the opportunity to follow the relevant tasksin Esquire Knit Composite Ltd. (EKCL) which
is fastest growing textile ...
Merchandising Activities of ZXY International
(Brac University, 2019-12)
This repot I have made based on my three-months practical experience at ZXY International. This internship helps me to learn about the practical scenario of the company operation and its environment. It is a multinational ...
Merchandising Cycle of SQ Celsius Ltd.
(Brac University, 2021-05)
This report is prepared based on my three (03) months practical experience in my working
department (PDC) of SQ Celsius Ltd. This internship helped me to have a practical idea about
own department & factory of SQ Group. ...
Corporate HR practice in DBL group
(BRAC University, 2019-08-22)
This internship report on “Corporate HR practice in DBL Group” is a partial requirement of the PGD-KIM program conducted by BRAC University under SEIP program.In this brief report I tried to furnish the existing HR policy ...
Masco Group: Production, Supply Chain & Quality in Textile
(BRAC University, 2021-05)
This report is prepared on the basis of my three (03) months practical experience in different
department of Masco Group. This internship helped me to have a practical idea about
different departments which was not ...
Scandex (BD)Limited Standard Operating Procedure of Garments Industry
(Brac University, 2021-05-25)
An internship report is prepared based on the study of Scandex (BD) Limited (SBDL). The topic
of this study is Standard Operating Procedure of Garments Industry. An internship report on this
topic is done under the ...
Dipta Apparels Limited (DIRD Group): Production, HRM & Compliance, IE, Merchandising and Commercial
(Brac University, 2021-05)
My internship was going on from 6th February to 6th May. During my internship, I was helped to
urge a thought regarding totally different departments & factories of Dipta Garment Ltd. It's been
one amongst the most ...