Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Dipta Garments Limited. (DIRD Group) HRM & Compliance, Production, IE, Merchandising and Commercial
(Brac University, 2021-05)
My internship program is from 6
th February, 2021 to 6
th May, 2021 and covered 576 hours. In this time I
have gathered practical idea about different department & factory of Dipta Garments Ltd. It is one of the
largest ...
Reducing Cost in RMG sector & IE as its importance Of Lithe Group
(Brac University, 2021-05)
This report provides that how to reduce cost in garments industry based on Industrial
Engineering, like how IE department will reduce cost, what is the procedure of
reducing cost, Capability of this factory and other ...
Rose Intimates Ltd.
(Brac University, 2021-05)
Rose Intimates garments started its journey in April 2016 by its five boards of directors. It is
one of the major garments manufacturing organization in Bangladesh. This organization
increasingly reducing its rejection ...
Dipta Apparels Limited (DIRD Group): Production, HRM & Compliance, IE, Merchandising and Commercial
(Brac University, 2021-05)
My internship was going on from 6th February to 6th May. During my internship, I was helped to
urge a thought regarding totally different departments & factories of Dipta Garment Ltd. It's been
one amongst the most ...