Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Dipta Garments Limited. (DIRD Group) HRM & Compliance, Production, IE, Merchandising and Commercial
(Brac University, 2021-05)
My internship program is from 6
th February, 2021 to 6
th May, 2021 and covered 576 hours. In this time I
have gathered practical idea about different department & factory of Dipta Garments Ltd. It is one of the
largest ...
Merchandising Cycle of SQ Celsius Ltd.
(Brac University, 2021-05)
This report is prepared based on my three (03) months practical experience in my working
department (PDC) of SQ Celsius Ltd. This internship helped me to have a practical idea about
own department & factory of SQ Group. ...
Masco Group: Production, Supply Chain & Quality in Textile
(BRAC University, 2021-05)
This report is prepared on the basis of my three (03) months practical experience in different
department of Masco Group. This internship helped me to have a practical idea about
different departments which was not ...
Dipta Apparels Limited (DIRD Group): Production, HRM & Compliance, IE, Merchandising and Commercial
(Brac University, 2021-05)
My internship was going on from 6th February to 6th May. During my internship, I was helped to
urge a thought regarding totally different departments & factories of Dipta Garment Ltd. It's been
one amongst the most ...