Browsing MAGD Program Thesis Papers (BRAC Institute of Governance and Development) by Title
Now showing items 89-108 of 168
The livelihood of the santals in the context of declining CPR in Dinajpur
(BRAC University, 2014-05)Bangladesh is a small country with rich varieties of cultural dimension. Our culture, economy, society are enriched not only with the Bengalis (plain land people) but also with the several hundred tribal communities of ... -
Maintenance of health and safety of women garment workers: a study of South East Textile (Pvt.) Limited
(BRAC University, 2016-02)The Garment and textile sector in Bangladesh is in point of fact the lifeline for both urban and rural poor in terms that it is the only major labour demanding sector with huge employment generating potential. Half of ... -
Monetary policy and money supply process in Bangladesh: an analytical review
(BRAC University, 2010-12) -
Mutation and updating of land records in Bangladesh: a study at Gazipur sadar upazila
(BRAC University, 2013-02-28)The government of Bangladesh has taken some steps for strengthening and transforming the public service to meet the need for a responsive and resilient public service that will meet citizens’ specific needs, interests ... -
The national drug policy 2005 and government's role in monitoring the pharmaceutical market: a critical analysis
(BRAC University, 2009-12) -
National environment policy of Bangladesh: a crirical review
(Institute of Governance Studies, BRAC University, 2009-12) -
The New governance institutions of Bangladesh: problems and prospects
(Center for Governance Studies, BRAC University, 2009-08) -
Office of the divisional commissioner
(Institute of Governance Studies, BRAC University, 2009-11) -
Opportunities and impediments of bond market development in Bangladesh
(BRAC University, 2014-07-15)The easiest way of collecting long-term fund for financing Government and non- Government projects is the issuing of bonds. Development of bond market in Bangladesh is the need of the hour as it provides alternative ... -
Organizational culture and participation in local governance: a study on infrastructure projects under LGSP in Bangladesh
(BRAC University, 2013-02-22)The study reveals that most of the respondents (53%) do not know the functions of Union Parishad. Even most of them did not hear about LGSP and its concerned committees as well as TOR of these committees. So it is ... -
Participatory democracy in grass root level : the pattern of participation in Election of three Unions of Chittagong Hill Tracts
(BRAC University, 2014-11)Participatory democracy situates by this concept that, every citizen is political actor and participation in election is political right of a citizen. Participatory democracy is crucial for empowerment of marginal people. ... -
People's particiopation in development process through decentralization local government
(BRAC University, 2009-09) -
Performance of microcredit towards empowerment of women – a case study of saving and credit cooperatives in bardiya district of Nepal
(Brac University, 2018-10)Microcredit has often been seen as an important means of empowering women. A study was conducted in the Mid-Western Development Region of Nepal to explore impact of microcredits in women’s empowerment. A total of 32 women ... -
The planning of housing in rural Bangladesh
(BRAC University, 2008-06)Being an agro based deltaic country, Bangladesh is one of the most land-scarce countries in the world. Though the National Land Utilization Policy has emphasized `family based land ceiling for rural housing' and rural model ... -
Population dynamics of Bangladesh: a study on key demographic trends and population projection of Bangladesh
(BRAC University, 2019-06)This study aims to analyze the demographic transition and the impact of these changes in the coming years to provide opportunities for more meaningful policymaking in Bangladesh. It analyzes the components of population ... -
Primary education in Bangladesh: viability of millennium development goals
(BRAC University, 2008-07)The progress of the Bangladeshi nation today is more dependent upon the quantity and quality of primary education received by its offspring. Primary education is regarded as the fountain of nation building, national ethos ... -
Problems of ADP implementation in Bangladesh: an analytical review
(BRAC University, 2010-12) -
Promoting export of ICT based services through the export policy of Bangladesh
(BRAC University, 2018-03)The service sector that provides a service, not an actual product that could be held in one's hand, is in fact, an important part of a country's economy. In Bangladesh, ICT has been identified as one of the major sub-sectors ... -
Prospects of eco-tourism in the Sundarbans of Bangladesh
(Brac University, 2020-02)Tourism is an emerging sector for Bangladesh. It is one of the most growing industries all over the world which can play a significant role for the development of Bangladesh economy that generates foreign currency. ...