Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Parent's perception of children's socialisation during middle childhood: the effects of smartphone usage on urban children
(Brac University, 2024-01)
Children start the rapid acquisition of their social skills and go through emotional development during a period called middle childhood, which ranges from 6-8 years (CDC, 2021). At this age they start paying more attention ...
Exploring parental awareness of play-based early learning at Gulshan slum 3- 6 years children
(Brac University, 2024-02)
The rapid urbanization in Bangladesh has led to a decrease in playgrounds, particularly in Dhaka, causing developmental delays and digital addiction in children. The government has identified this issue, but there has been ...
Parent’s understanding about their involvement in 3-5- year old children’s play
(Brac University, 2024-01)
Play is an important part of childhood. There’s a lot of thoughts and perception about play. In different groups or cultures have their individual ideas about play. Play helps to develop the early childhood stages. When ...
The role of play in early childhood development: parental perceptions of urban area in Bangladesh
(Brac University, 2024-02)
Play is a universal and intrinsic predisposition that is regarded to be one of the most significant components of general health and development during childhood. Play provides youngsters with valuable experiences and ...
Exploring parents’ perception on fathers’ involvement in early childhood development for children aged 6-8 years in urban Bangladesh
(Brac University, 2024-02)
The stereotypical role of fathers as the breadwinners rather than active caregivers establishes a significant challenge globally, particularly in a developing urban Bangladesh. Traditional gender norms and societal ...
Exploring rrban fathers’ involvement for children's socio-emotional development in the early years: a fathers’ perception study
(Brac University, 2024-01)
Fatherhood is a critical component in the construction of male identities all over the world. Men experience this complex and constantly evolving socio-cultural construction in their own ways through their unique upbringing ...
Parental perceptions of the effect of Pre-primary schooling on the socio-emotional development of 3-4-year aged children
(Brac University, 2024-01)
Preschool education is unparalleled in its significance to children's learning and development. It prepares children for learning experiences in the future and helps them realize their full potential. Early childhood ...
Exploring parental perception on the importance of quality time in shaping children's wellbeing
(BRAC University, 2024-10)
For the purpose of examining more about the aspect of how parents in Bangladesh perceive quality time with their children and how the resulted perception positively impacts the children’s wellbeing this thesis titled; ...