Now showing items 1-10 of 11
Teaching Mathematics through play pedagogy in Government pre-primary classes: An exploratory study
(Brac University, 2023-06)
Play pedagogy is one of the effective pedagogies to teach mathematics to pre-primary students.
This study explores Play pedagogy in teaching mathematics in government pre-primary
classrooms. The study investigates three ...
Practice of play-based learning in online classes at preprimary level (age 4-5) during Covid-19 pandemic
(Brac University, 2021-12)
The COVID-19 pandemic had turned the education sector on its head. When schools
were shut down worldwide as a preventive measure to minimize the spread of the
virus, educators were sent scrambling to adjust with an almost ...
Project-based learning in the primary level of English medium schools: practice and perception of teachers and students
(Brac University, 2023-05)
Project-Based Learning (PBL) is an internationally proven approach. This comprehensive learning approach is an inquiry based instructional model that has gained attention and appreciation by the reputed Educationist and ...
Emergent literacy development and home literacy environment: beliefs and practices of parents having (3-5 years) preschool aged children at urban slum context
(Brac University, 2023-04)
The home literacy environment and experiences of preschoolers typically provide the settings for the development of emergent literacy skills that are important for school readiness and later literacy success. Due to ...
Preschool teachers' practices of play-based learning in English medium schools of Dhaka
(Brac University, 2024-01)
Play-based learning is a vital aspect of early education. It is considered an enjoyable and fun way of learning at an early age for children. The purpose of this study aims to explore teacher’s practices of play-based ...
Exploring the importance of teachers’ training for pre-primary education
(Brac University, 2024-01)
This executive summary encapsulates the essence of the research conducted on the significance of pre-primary teacher training programs in early childhood education, as outlined in the provided abstract. The research ...
Exploring government pre-primary teachers' perception about play pedagogy for pre-primary
(Brac University, 2024-01)
This thesis investigates pre-primary teachers’ perception about play pedagogy in pre-primary schools in Bangladesh, with an emphasis on classroom practices and helping and challenging factors to implement play pedagogy in ...
Parental perceptions of the effect of Pre-primary schooling on the socio-emotional development of 3-4-year aged children
(Brac University, 2024-01)
Preschool education is unparalleled in its significance to children's learning and development. It prepares children for learning experiences in the future and helps them realize their full potential. Early childhood ...
Parents’ and teachers’ perceptions towards two years pre-primary
(BRAC University, 2023-04)
Holistic development of a child including, physical development, language development and
social emotional development are positively related with pre-primary education that facilitate
school readiness. The length of ...
A study to explore mother‟s perception about 2-6 years children‟s behavior influenced by prolonged screen time in Dhaka city
(Brac University, 2019-11)
Innovation in technology has made gadgets and devices an integral part of our everyday lives. Every household from different economic background has some sort of gadgets that they use for either entertainment or for ...