Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Lifelong learning in a learning society: are community learning centres the vehicle?
(© 2014 Brill, 2014)
This chapter provides a historical perspective on the evolving concepts of lifelong learning and the learning society and makes the case for the community learning centre as a potential institutional vehicle for the promotion ...
Squaring the circle: EFA in the post-2015 global agenda
(© 2014 Elsevier Ltd., 2014-11)
The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and Education for All (EFA) initiative have influenced educational development in poor countries both positively and negatively. From the perspective of Bangladesh, international ...
Erratum to: Defining and measuring literacy: facing the reality
(© 2011 International Review of Education, 2011-08)
The education system
(© 2016 Taylor and Francis Inc., 2016-01)
In the past decade, Bangladesh has achieved significant social and economic progress. Despite high population density, a limited natural-resource base, underdeveloped infrastructure, frequent natural disasters and political ...
Defining and measuring literacy: facing the reality
(© 2011 Springer Science+Business Media B.V., 2011-08)
Increasing recognition of a broadened concept of literacy challenges policy-makers and practitioners to re-define literacy operationally, develop and apply appropriate methods of assessing literacy and consider and act ...