Now showing items 1-9 of 9
An inquiry into the happiness of nations: a macroeconomic analysis
(BRAC University, 2012-08-14)
This paper investigates the concept of national happiness and examines the existing literature on happiness and its causes, before using recently released data from the United Nations to construct a model that explains ...
Income and expenditure distribution pattern of sunamgonj haor area: implications for poverty alleviation
(BRAC University, 2004-08)
Fishing income (52 per cent) was the main source of income and food expenditure (85 percent) was the main sector of expenditure of the Sunamgonj haor fishermen. Absolute poor was about 48 per cent by Direct Calorie Intake ...
The demand-side location determinants for attracting foreign direct investment: theory and empirics
(BRAC University, 2005-08)
Foreign direct investment (FDI), reckoned as a major source of private capital, has grown phenomenally world wide in the last two decades. Developing countries receive about a third of the global FDI inflows. Although ...
Economic inequality and paretian welfare enonomics: some insinuating questions
(BRAC University, 2005-08)
This paper examines the academic soundness of the Pareto welfare criterion as a normative rule for evaluating alternative economic inequality scenarios and suggests that the criterion has several weaknesses, which wear off ...
Seasonal migration of labor in the autumn lean period: Evidence from Kurigram district, Bangladesh
(BRAC University, 2006-08)
Seasonal migration of labor in the autumn lean period is an important livelihood strategy for a large number of poor people in Northern Bangladesh. The nature of such migration differs from that of permanent internal ...
Analytical foundations of Micro-Meso-Macro linkages in poverty monitoring: a case from Bangladesh
(BRAC University, 2004-08)
Although there is a significant amount of research going on in the field of poverty monitoring in the entire South Asian region, there is still no uniform mechanism in poverty monitoring system that will track poverty both ...
Development regimes in south Asia: History and the governance conundrum
(BRAC University, 2005-08)
Until recently, regimes governing development occupied definite territories that delineated their relevant populations and identified authoritative leadership with distinct cultural boundaries. But development regimes today ...
Hegemony of misrepresentation: American media coverage of islam and islamic revivalism (1980-2001)*
(BRAC University, 2005-08)
Using Gramsci's notion of hegemony this paper analyses the nature, functions and wide-ranging implications of the U.S. media's coverage of Islam as represented by U.S. daily newspapers the New York Times and the Washington ...
Examining how exchange rate fluctuation effects trade balances: emprirically establishing the correlation between exchange rate and balance of trade, the marshall-lerner condition and J effect
(BRAC University, 2012-03-15)
This paper will examine the effects on an economy’s overall balance of trade due to fluctuations in its exchange rate, followed by how the Marshall-Lerner and J- curve come into effect in influencing a country’s current ...