Browsing Working Papers Series (Economics and Social Sciences) by Author "Department of Economics and Social Science, BRAC University"
Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Examining how exchange rate fluctuation effects trade balances: emprirically establishing the correlation between exchange rate and balance of trade, the marshall-lerner condition and J effect
Ali, Ratib M; Kamal, Mahsima A (BRAC University, 2012-03-15)This paper will examine the effects on an economy’s overall balance of trade due to fluctuations in its exchange rate, followed by how the Marshall-Lerner and J- curve come into effect in influencing a country’s current ... -
Income and expenditure distribution pattern of sunamgonj haor area: implications for poverty alleviation
Alam, Mohammad Jahangir (BRAC University, 2004-08)Fishing income (52 per cent) was the main source of income and food expenditure (85 percent) was the main sector of expenditure of the Sunamgonj haor fishermen. Absolute poor was about 48 per cent by Direct Calorie Intake ... -
Seasonal migration of labor in the autumn lean period: Evidence from Kurigram district, Bangladesh
Shahriar, Abu Zafar Md; Zeba, Sakiba; A S M Parves, Shonchoy; Parveen, Shaila (BRAC University, 2006-08)Seasonal migration of labor in the autumn lean period is an important livelihood strategy for a large number of poor people in Northern Bangladesh. The nature of such migration differs from that of permanent internal ...