Browsing Thesis (Master of Science in Biotechnology) by Author "Islam, Dr. Aparna"
Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Cloning of an antiporter gene (NHX1) from PCR amplicons into a recombination competent vector containing a constitutive promoter (caMV35S)
Razzaque, Samsad (BRAC University, 2011-10)The costal belt of Bangladesh is under the threat of increasing salinity and thus reducing plant productivity. Consequently, salinity has become a major concern for ensuring food security. Salt tolerance is known to be a ... -
Effect of growth regulators on shoot induction and plant regeneration in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)
Das, Amitav (BRAC University, 2011-11)Tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum Miller) is one of the most important winter vegetable crops in Bangladesh. To meet the increasing demand of tomato in Bangladesh, it is necessary to develop new varieties adapted to various ... -
Establishment of in vitro regeneration and transformation protocol to develop salinity stress tolerant tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Miller)
Ferdous, Manzur -E- Mohsina (BRAC Univeristy, 2012-12)Tomato (Lycopersiconesculentum Miller), a nutritious plant, can be substituted to overcome malnutrition and offers much higher income for the farmers in Bangladesh because of its high demand throughout the year. However, ... -
Establishment of transformation protocol and regeneration potential comparison following introduction of the antiporter gene in peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.)
Khan, Kashmery (BRAC University, 2015-09)Peanut is a cash crop which is cultivated in 24 million ha all over the world for extracting edible oil. It is a great food having outstanding food values, specially for hunger and malnutrition affecting Asian countries ... -
In Vitro regneration of three local potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) varieties of Bangladesh
Parveen, Fazlima (BRAC University, 2011-09)The present study was conducted to develop an efficient and reliable protocol for in vitro regeneration of potato varieties. Experiments were conducted with a view to standardize in vitro regeneration of three local ... -
Pattern of brain tumor among admitted patients in a specialized center of Dhaka city: a cross sectional study
Tuly, Tangia Islam (BRAC University, 2017)A brain tumor is an intracranial solid neoplasm which involves varied types of cells. Management strategies and prognosis of tumor depends on the combination of factors like the type and grade of tumor, its location, size ... -
Transgenic tomato (Solanum lycopersicum Mill.) regeneration by comparing different transformation techniques
Datta, Anamika (BRAC University, 2015-08)Production of saline-tolerant high-yielding crop has become most important in the current global scenario. Biotechnological approaches are extensively employed for introducing foreign genes into high-yielding genotypes. ...