Thesis & Dissertation (Postgraduate Programs in Disaster Management): Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 86
Cultural appropriateness of post Sidr housing reconstruction : a case of Sharankhola, Bagerhat
(BRAC University, 2018)Bangladesh is one of the most disaster prone countries in the world. Among the natural hazards cyclones and the associated storm surges are considered as the major threat to our 710km coastal belt with around 28 million ... -
Cyclone warning in Bangladesh and preparedness effort
(BRAC University, 2017)Historically the impact of cyclones on Bangladesh has been catastrophic, sometimes killing hundreds of thousands of people. Usually the country faces the threat of cyclones on a yearly basis but the strength and ferocity ... -
Cash in emergency: a synthesis of Bangladesh red crescent society experience and learning
(BRAC University, 2017)Bangladesh is prone to recurrent flooding, landslides, and cyclones year after year. The Bangladesh Red Crescent Society (BDRCS) established by President Order (PO) – 26 of 1973 as an auxiliary to the Government is one of ... -
Rohingya crisis – a profile of child protection on host community children
(BRAC University, 2018)New Rohingya crisis is unique in its nature. Bangladesh has suffered for many crisis including Rohingya but the exodus started from August 2017 has crossed all previous record. This was termed as a text book example for ... -
Localization of aid – a case of Bangladesh flood 2017
(BRAC University, 2017)Today, only a small fraction of funding is given directly to local actors. An estimate from UN OCHA FTS dataset indicates local and national responders received only 2% of the humanitarian funding globally. Local and ... -
Assessing the cyclone early warning services of women, children and person with disability: a case study in Nijhumdwip
(BRAC Univeristy, 2018)This study was done as a part of the Masters of Disaster Management under BRAC University. Research was conducted in Nijhumdwip assess the cyclone early warning service for the vulnerable groups. The success of cyclone ... -
Flood warning system: a cost- benefit analysis of the northern Bangladesh
(BRAC Univeristy, 2018)Bangladesh is one of the most flood-prone countries in the world. As a developing country with poor economy, structural measures to control floods in the world’s mighty rivers is a big challenge. Settings up a new devise ... -
The roles of real estate developer companies in disaster management in Dhaka city
(BRAC University, 2017-07)Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh, is one of the populous megacities in the world. As the growth of urban population is taking at an exceptionally rapid rate, the landscape of the city is forced for rapid urbanization ... -
Climate change and food security in Northern Bangladesh: experience of RDRS in implementing Stress Tolerant rice
(BARC University, 2017-07)Nowadays climate change has become a big issue worldwide. Every country and each person is concerned about climate change. It is a fear to face mega disasters in future due to climate change and that is why almost all ... -
Response in mass casualty incidents: survival of selected tertiary level hospital in Bangladesh
(BRAC University, 2017-07)An effective and immediate response from hospital personnel is critical to meet the needs of affected populations at the time of an disaster. Hospitals need to develop, practice and continuously update an effective ... -
Existing volunteerism in response and recovery on disaster management in Bangladesh
(BARC University, 2017-12)Community participation is the most effective elements to achieving sustainability in dealing with natural disaster risks. As a disaster, prone country Bangladesh is affected by different types of natural hazards like ... -
Issues and challenges of Cyclone Preparedness Programme (CPP) volunteers: the case of CPP, Dacope, Khulna
(BARC University, 2017-06)CPP is an organization through which Bangladesh get appreciation from the all country of the world. Bangladesh is proud of CPP. Many countries now want to follow the system of CPP. It is so dedicated team they work even ... -
Drinking water collection system in cyclone affected coastal village of Bangladesh
(BARC University, 2017)The implications of Cyclone in Bangladesh are the sea level rising, changes of climate patterns, man-made alteration of natural settings and main salinity in river water is increasing rapidly in the community of southern ... -
A gender perspective of climate change and disaster management practices of a cyclone affected coastal community
(2017)Men and women are, of course, not homogenous groups, and their experiences, lifestyles, and geographic and socioeconomic conditions shape their worldviews and proclivities; cognizance of these types of tendencies can be ... -
Assessment of lessons learned in Rana Plaza disaster
(BRAC University, 2016)Rana Plaza collapse is one of the major man-made disasters in the history of Bangladesh. In this disaster we lost 1200 hundred people. It was one of the most worse industrial (garments) accidents in the of the world. ... -
A study on earthquake preparedness in schools in Dhaka North city corporation
(BRAC University, 2016)Bangladesh is one of the most populous and disaster prone countries in the world. Bangladesh is exposed to floods and cyclones, and the risk of other disasters such as drought, earthquakes, and tornados is increasing. ... -
Farmers adjustments to rice production in response to flood hazard in Haor basin areas of Bangladesh
(BRAC University, 2016)The study was conducted in the Dingapota Haor of Mohangonj upazila under Netrokona district and it have been selected purposively as the study area. The boro rice growers of Dingapota Haor constituted the population of the ... -
Thunderstorm and disaster management in Bangladesh
(BRAC University, 2016)This study will help to inform the existing parameter on Thunderstorm. The available parameter will introduce with limitation & needed future study. This way we will know the recent scenario of thunderstorm, specially the ... -
Assessing architect's role in seismic evaluation and risk mitigation
(BRAC University, 2016)Dhaka City having a faster urbanization has an increasing threat of hazard as the risk is more complex and complicated than the rural area due to its increased population in a concentrated area and competitive economic ... -
Impact of cash based interventions in livelihood recovery of waterlogging affected community in Satkhira district
(BRAC University, 2016)The coastal districts of SWB have been experiencing waterlogging problem since the early 1980s. Natural drainage systems over a large part of this area were totally disrupted, as a result, with most of the effective natural ...