Now showing items 21-30 of 51
Assessing the efforts of NGOs in cyclone disaster management in Bangladesh
(BRAC University, 2009-09)
Whenever disasters strike, they do not discriminate or differentiate - they cause havoc
and distress. They strike countries' rich and poor affect both men and women, old and
young and cause destruction leaving behind a ...
Char dwellers' adaptation to climate change
(BRAC University, 2010-09)
Climate disaster like flood, river erosion puts a lot of pressure especially on char dweller's whose responsibility is to remain together as family and earn subsistence in day to day life. The main objective of this research ...
Community-based management of Glacial Lake outburst flood : a case study of Samdingkha village in Bhutan
(BRAC University, 2012)
Climate change is contributing to increased melting of glaciers and formation of
glacial lakes. The threat of Glacial Lake Outburst Floods (GLOF) is posing a serious
threat to the lives and livelihoods of the Bhutanese ...
Impact of cash based interventions in livelihood recovery of waterlogging affected community in Satkhira district
(BRAC University, 2016)
The coastal districts of SWB have been experiencing waterlogging problem since the early 1980s. Natural drainage systems over a large part of this area were totally disrupted, as a result, with most of the effective natural ...
Indigenous coping mechanisms in combating flood
(BRAC University, 2007-01)
Design of readymade garments industry for fire safety
(BRAC University, 2011)
In Bangladesh businesses are growing at an ever fast rate. New businesses are opening everyday in every possible sector. Taking purchasing power parity into account Bangladesh is the 44th largest economy in the world. ...
Assessment of lessons learned in Rana Plaza disaster
(BRAC University, 2016)
Rana Plaza collapse is one of the major man-made disasters in the history of Bangladesh. In this disaster
we lost 1200 hundred people. It was one of the most worse industrial (garments) accidents in the of the
world. ...
Cyclone warning in Bangladesh and preparedness effort
(BRAC University, 2017)
Historically the impact of cyclones on Bangladesh has been catastrophic, sometimes killing
hundreds of thousands of people. Usually the country faces the threat of cyclones on a yearly
basis but the strength and ferocity ...
Flood warning system: a cost- benefit analysis of the northern Bangladesh
(BRAC Univeristy, 2018)
Bangladesh is one of the most flood-prone countries in the world. As a developing country with poor economy, structural measures to control floods in the world’s mighty rivers is a big challenge. Settings up a new devise ...