Now showing items 1-10 of 31
Farmers adjustments to rice production in response to flood hazard in Haor basin areas of Bangladesh
(BRAC University, 2016)
The study was conducted in the Dingapota Haor of Mohangonj upazila under Netrokona district and it have been selected purposively as the study area. The boro rice growers of Dingapota Haor constituted the population of the ...
Suitability of pond sand dilters as safe drinking water solution in storm surge prone areas of Bangladesh: a case study of Post-Aila situation in Shyamnagar, Satkhira district, Khulna
(BRAC University, 2011)
This study focuses on the suitability of Pond Sand Filter (PSF) as safe drinking water option in storm surge prone areas in the south-western coastal areas of Bangladesh both at normal times as well as during disasters. ...
Thunderstorm and disaster management in Bangladesh
(BRAC University, 2016)
This study will help to inform the existing parameter on Thunderstorm. The available parameter will introduce with limitation & needed future study. This way we will know the recent scenario of thunderstorm, specially the ...
Upgrading homesteads to flood shelters in char Kochkhali, Gaibandha
(BRAC University, 2010-09)
Bangladesh is known as a riverine country, and has a dense concentration of water bodies. Every
year flood inundates most of the part of the country. In this country, there are many rivers, with
three major rivers, along ...
Use of indigenous knowledge in strategies for disaster risk reduction for flood disaster: the study of Tharu community of Bardiya district of Nepal
(BRAC University, 2011)
The main aim of this study was to explore the use of indigenous knowledge and practices
in Tharu Community to reduce the impact of flood disasters. Disasters are more frequent
and prominent at the present. Nepal is not ...
Role of ICT in natural disaster management of Bangladesh
(BRAC University, 2015)
Bangladesh being world's eighth-most populous country is highly vulnerable
to recurrent natural hazards due to its location and topography. It regularly
experiences floods, droughts, tornadoes and cyclones. Being located ...
Post cyclone rehabilitation of agriculture in the Sidr affected areas in South West Bangladesh
(BRAC University, 2011)
Bangladesh is one of the most disaster prone countries of the world. Every year the
country is experiencing one or more natural disasters like cyclone and flood.
Bangladesh is an agricultural country. But unfortunately ...
Existing volunteerism in response and recovery on disaster management in Bangladesh
(BARC University, 2017-12)
Community participation is the most effective elements to achieving sustainability in dealing with natural disaster risks. As a disaster, prone country Bangladesh is affected by different types of natural hazards like ...
Impacts of climate change on cropping pattern in coastal region of Bangladesh : a case study of Sharankhola Upazila , Bagerhat
(BRAC University, 2012)
Natural disaster occurs almost every year in Bangladesh due to climate change. Crop
agriculture is often constrained by different hazards and disasters such as floods,
droughts, soil and water salinity, cyclones and storm ...
Assessing architect's role in seismic evaluation and risk mitigation
(BRAC University, 2016)
Dhaka City having a faster urbanization has an increasing threat of hazard as the risk is more complex and complicated than the rural area due to its increased population in a concentrated area and competitive economic ...