Now showing items 1-10 of 10
Response in mass casualty incidents: survival of selected tertiary level hospital in Bangladesh
(BRAC University, 2017-07)
An effective and immediate response from hospital personnel is critical to meet the needs
of affected populations at the time of an disaster. Hospitals need to develop, practice and
continuously update an effective ...
Existing volunteerism in response and recovery on disaster management in Bangladesh
(BARC University, 2017-12)
Community participation is the most effective elements to achieving sustainability in dealing with natural disaster risks. As a disaster, prone country Bangladesh is affected by different types of natural hazards like ...
A gender perspective of climate change and disaster management practices of a cyclone affected coastal community
Men and women are, of course, not homogenous groups, and their experiences, lifestyles, and
geographic and socioeconomic conditions shape their worldviews and proclivities; cognizance
of these types of tendencies can be ...
Issues and challenges of Cyclone Preparedness Programme (CPP) volunteers: the case of CPP, Dacope, Khulna
(BARC University, 2017-06)
CPP is an organization through which Bangladesh get appreciation from the all country of the world. Bangladesh is proud of CPP. Many countries now want to follow the system of CPP. It is so dedicated team they work even ...
Cash in emergency: a synthesis of Bangladesh red crescent society experience and learning
(BRAC University, 2017)
Bangladesh is prone to recurrent flooding, landslides, and cyclones year after year. The Bangladesh Red Crescent Society (BDRCS) established by President Order (PO) – 26 of 1973 as an auxiliary to the Government is one of ...
Cyclone warning in Bangladesh and preparedness effort
(BRAC University, 2017)
Historically the impact of cyclones on Bangladesh has been catastrophic, sometimes killing
hundreds of thousands of people. Usually the country faces the threat of cyclones on a yearly
basis but the strength and ferocity ...
Drinking water collection system in cyclone affected coastal village of Bangladesh
(BARC University, 2017)
The implications of Cyclone in Bangladesh are the sea level rising, changes of climate
patterns, man-made alteration of natural settings and main salinity in river water is increasing
rapidly in the community of southern ...
Climate change and food security in Northern Bangladesh: experience of RDRS in implementing Stress Tolerant rice
(BARC University, 2017-07)
Nowadays climate change has become a big issue worldwide. Every country and each person is
concerned about climate change. It is a fear to face mega disasters in future due to climate
change and that is why almost all ...
The roles of real estate developer companies in disaster management in Dhaka city
(BRAC University, 2017-07)
Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh, is one of the populous megacities in the world.
As the growth of urban population is taking at an exceptionally rapid rate, the
landscape of the city is forced for rapid urbanization ...
Localization of aid – a case of Bangladesh flood 2017
(BRAC University, 2017)
Today, only a small fraction of funding is given directly to local actors. An estimate from UN
OCHA FTS dataset indicates local and national responders received only 2% of the
humanitarian funding globally. Local and ...