Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Upgrading homesteads to flood shelters in char Kochkhali, Gaibandha
(BRAC University, 2010-09)
Bangladesh is known as a riverine country, and has a dense concentration of water bodies. Every
year flood inundates most of the part of the country. In this country, there are many rivers, with
three major rivers, along ...
An action framework of incident command system (ICS) for Bangladesh armed forces in emergency response
(BRAC University, 2010-09)
The incident command system (ICS) is entirely a management tool which creates a scope for the civil organization to establish a temporary organization which will help them to carry out the emergency response operation ...
Char dwellers' adaptation to climate change
(BRAC University, 2010-09)
Climate disaster like flood, river erosion puts a lot of pressure especially on char dweller's whose responsibility is to remain together as family and earn subsistence in day to day life. The main objective of this research ...
Climate change impact on livelihood and vulnerability: a case study of mushar community in saptari district in Nepal
(BRAC University, 2010-09)
Climate change impact and vulnerability towards the change on the poor people has always been significant aspect of issue and discussion worldwide. With the green house gases increasing various consequences of climate ...