Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Bulding resilient communities through architectural interventions : towards a sustainable future
(BRAC University, 2015)
The global context and the climate is changing rapidly and this poses a major threat to the population and their habitat to cope with the changing dynamics of the surroundings. Hence, the habitat that house entire communities ...
Reducing community risk through disaster resilient housing in Bangladesh
(BRAC University, 2015)
Bangladesh is a multi-hazardous and disaster prone country due to its geographic location and socio-economic condition of the people. Every year natural disasters disrupt the lives of people in some parts of the country. ...
Application of scientific and indigenous knowledge for flood management in Northwest Bangladesh
(BRAC University, 2015)
The present study tries to identify the Indigenous practices of the rural communities. It also
focuses to assess their economic condition in relation to livelihood practices. Local people
Participation in the research ...
Youth volunteers as change agents in disaster response
(BRAC University, 2015)
When disaster strikes the local youth are the first ones to respond. Volunteerism has been present since the beginning of human history. The youth constitute one third of total population in Bangladesh. For this important ...
Green water defense as flood mitigation approach for Dhaka district
(BRAC University, 2015)
Dhaka is prone to flood hazard due to its location, topology, climate and proximity to rivers. The main objectives of this study are to delineate the flood extent, find out the flood duration during monsoon, identify the ...
Integrating architecture in rainwater harvesting for climate and disaster resilience in coastal cities: a case study of Cox’s Bazar
(BRAC University, 2024-07)
Water scarcity is crucial global challenge due to rapid urbanization, population explosion, climate change and global warming. As a result, creative and sustainable methods of managing water resources are essential to ...