Browsing Thesis & Dissertation (Postgraduate Programs in Disaster Management) by Author "Chowdhooree, Imon"
Now showing items 1-2 of 2
Cause of repetitive fire disaster in informal settlements and the importance of community based disaster risk mitigation
Adiba, Mehnaz Ahmed (Brac University, 2023-12)The growth of informal settlements has increased massively in developing countries in the last few decades. The main pull factor from rural to urban cities is the high possibility of job opportunities for the migrating ... -
Community perception about climate change: Investigating experiences of Himalayan communities involved in the tourism industry
Karki, Rubina (Brac University, 2022-02)There occurs a close relationship between tourism and climate, where the former is highly dependent on the latter. Despite being a non-negligible contributor to climate change, the tourism business can be considered ...