Design and development of a stepper motor position control system in micro-stepping mode using Atmega32 Microcontroller
Stepper motor mainly operates on open loop controller which actually causes loss of steps and slip of steps and so closed loop position control is being developed to overcome these drawbacks. The controller is usually of around 32 bit microcontroller in order to give quick and reliable control operation. Such controller has a wide range of applicants in manufacturing sector for instance this controller is used for precision control applications as well as to control a robot having multiple degrees of freedom. Because of emergence of various low cost microcontroller with their ease of interfacing with digital components and also there is no need for analog to digital conversion circuitry usually required for AC and DC motors that makes stepper motor economical and easy to control. The objectives is to design and develop the controller for position control of stepper motor using microcontroller which makes the rotation of a stepper motor with maximum operating speed with maximum precision. This thesis describes the designing of control circuit for stepper motor by microcontroller program Atmega32 which can control the position of stepper motor properly by using micro-stepping method.