Browsing Conference Papers (Centre for Research on Bangla Language Processing) by Title
Now showing items 3-22 of 40
Analysis of N-Gram based text categorization for Bangla in a newspaper
(BRAC University, 2006)In this paper, we study the outcome of using ngram based algorithm for Bangla text categorization. To analyze the efficiency of this methodology we used one year Prothom-Alo news corpus. Our results show that n-grams of ... -
Bangla text input and rendering supports for short message sevice on Mobile devices
(BRAC University, 2006)Technology is the most important thing that involve in our everyday life. It is involving in almost every aspect of life like communication, work, shopping, recreation etc. Communication through mobile devices is the most ... -
Building a foundation of HPSG-based treebank on Bangla language
(BRAC University, 2007)Now a day, the importance of a large annotated corpus for NLP researchers is widely known. In this paper, we describe an initial phase of developing a linguistically annotated corpus for non-configurational ‘Bangla’ language. ... -
BWN- A software platform for developing Bengali wordnet
(BRAC University, 2008)Advanced Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications are increasingly dependent on the availability of linguistic resources, ranging from digital lexica to rich tagged and annotated corpora. While these resources are ... -
Collaborative lexicon development for Bangla
(BRAC University, 2006)This paper addresses the issue of building a Bangla lexicon with a collaborative effort through stand alone application and web based interface. The words in the lexicon will be annotated with a combination of tags addressing ... -
Comparion of different POS tagging technique (N-Gram, HMM and Brill's tagger) for Bangla
(BRAC University, 2006)There are different approaches to the problem of assigning each word of a text with a parts-of-speech tag, which is known as Part-Of-Speech (POS) tagging. In this paper we compare the performance of a few POS tagging ... -
Comparison of Unigram, Bigram, HMM and Brill's POS tagging approaches for some South Asian languages
(BRAC University, 2007)Part-of-Speech (POS) Tagging is a process that attaches each word in a sentence with a suitable tag from a given set of tags. POS Tagging is important in various areas of Natural Language Processing. Different methods of ... -
A comprehensive Bangla spelling checker
(BRAC University, 2006)We present a comprehensive Bangla spelling checker that improves the quality of suggestions for misspelled words. The complex rules for Bangla spelling presents a significant challenge in producing suggestions for a ... -
A comprehensive roman (English)-to-Bangla transliteration scheme
(BRAC University, 2006)A transliteration scheme from Roman (English) to Bangla can help increase the use of Bangla in essential and diverse computing areas such as word processing, Internet and mobile communication and information query and ... -
A decentralised approach to information retrieval for a developing country like Bangladesh
(BRAC University, 2007)In this paper, we talk about a decentralised information retrieval system which would be suitable for the developing countries that face the problem of limited bandwidth. In this paper we came up with an implementation ... -
Detecting flames and insults in text
(BRAC University, 2008-12)While the internet has become the leading source of information, it is also become the medium for flames, insults and other forms of abusive language, which add nothing to the quality of information available. A human ... -
Developing a computational grammar for Bengali using the HPSG formalism
(BRAC University, 2006)This paper describes the first phase of developing a computational grammar for Bengali using the Head- Driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG) formalism. The HPSG formalism is a highly developed framework that combines ... -
Development of annotated Bangla speech corpora
(BRAC University, 2010)This paper describes the development procedure of three different Bangla read speech corpora which can be used for phonetic research and developing speech applications. Several criteria were maintained in the corpora ... -
A double metaphone encoding for approximate name searching and matching in Bangla
(BRAC University, 2005)Almost any word can be a Bangali name, and the name in turn is often spelled in many different ways, all of which are considered correct and interchangeable. The reason for the spelling complication is two-fold: (1) there ... -
A double metaphone encoding for Bangla and its application in spelling checker
(BRAC University, 2005)We present a Double Metaphone encoding for Bangla that can be used by spelling checkers to improve the quality of suggestions for misspelled words. The complex rules of Bangla spelling present a significant challenge in ... -
Example based English-Bengali machine translation using wordnet
(BRAC University, 2009)In this paper we propose an architecture of English-Bengali Example Based Machine Translation (EBMT) using WordNet. The proposed EBMT system has five steps: 1) Tagging 2) Parsing 3) Prepare the chunks of the sentence using ... -
Feature unification for morphological parsing in Bangla
(BRAC University, 2004)This paper describes a Feature Unification Based Word Grammar model for the morphological parsing of Bangla words. While normal morphological parsing strategy is adequate to decompose a word into morphemes, it is not able ... -
GIS Based Real Time Traveler Information System: An Efficient Approach to Minimize Travel Time Using Available Media
(BRAC University, 2006)This paper addresses the issue of building a Bangla lexicon with a collaborative effort through stand alone application and web based interface. The words in the lexicon will be annotated with a combination of tags addressing ... -
A high performance domain specific OCR for Bangla script
(BRAC University, 2007)Research on recognizing Bengali script has been started since mid 1980’s. A variety of different techniques have been applied and the performance is examined. In this paper we present a high performance domain specific OCR ... -
History (Forward N-Gram) or future (Backward N-Gram)? Which model to consider for N-Gram analysis in Bangla?
(BRAC University, 2006)This paper presents a directional advantage of n-gram modeling in terms of backward or forward n-gram modeling in Bangla. The most commonly used n-gram analysis is predominantly a forward n-gram. However in Bangla it appears ...