Browsing by Subject "VGG19"
Now showing items 1-20 of 26
Alzheimer’s Disease detection and classification using transfer learning techniques and ensembling operations on convolutional neural networks
(Brac University, 2021-01)Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a neurological disease that affects the healthy cells of the brain and results in people having long-term memory loss, thinking problems, disorientation, behavioral inconsistencies and finally ... -
CancerCare: A reliable and secured self-supervising and interactive system using deep learning
(Brac University, 2023-01)Cancer is the ultimate global health issue in the 21st century, as its burden is in creasing day by day. In the year 2020 [36], 18.1 million cancer cases were estimated, where 9.3 million were men and 8.8 million were ... -
Comparative analysis of machine learning techniques in optimal site selection
(Brac University, 2023-01)Site selection is a crucial aspect of many businesses, as a company’s location can sig nificantly impact its success. In recent years, machine learning techniques have been increasingly used to assist with optimal site ... -
A comparative study of lung cancer prediction using deep learning
(Brac University, 2022-09)At the point when cells in the body develop out of control, this is alluded to as cancerous development. Lung cancer is the term used to depict cancer that starts in the lungs. At first in the field, classifier-based ... -
A deep face-mask detection model using DenseNet169 and image processing techniques
(Brac University, 2022-01)The world stood still during the massive breakout of the Covid-19 worldwide. This massive outbreak of this contagious disease was occurred by being airborne. Not only COVID but also there are many other contagious disease ... -
A deep learning approach for pneumonia classification from chest X-Ray images with ensemble modelling and explainable AI
(Brac University, 2021-06-08)Pneumonia is one of those frightening diseases that has a high mortality rate among children and the elderly, with an estimated 2 million fatalities per year. Pneumonia affects the poorest people in Africa and Asia the most, ... -
Deep learning based automated diagnosis of Ocular Toxoplasmosis in fundus images using convolutional neural network
(Brac University, 2024-01)Ocular toxoplasmosis (OT) is often diagnosed by a specialist by the examination of fundus images of the eye. While deep learning is commonly used to process and identify diseases in medical images, ocular toxoplasmosis ... -
Deep Learning based Medicinal Plants Leaf Recognition
(Brac University, 2022-09)Plants assume a significant part in Earth’s nature by giving food, cover and keeping a solid environment.These plants contain some significant therapeutic qualities. Due to having fewer negative side effects and being ... -
Deep neural network models for COVID-19 diagnosis from CT-Scan, explainability and analysis using trained models
(Brac University, 2021-10)The world is going through a severe viral pandemic which is caused by COVID- 19. People infected with this virus, experience severe respiratory illness. The virus spreads through particles of saliva or droplets from an ... -
Detection of Parkinson’s disease from Neuro-imagery using deep neural network with transfer learning
(Brac University, 2020-04)Parkinson’s disease is a neurological condition that is dynamic and steadily influences the movement of the human body. It causes issues within the brain and slowly increments time by time. Tremor is the major side effect ... -
Detection of prodromal parkinson’s disease with fMRI data and deep neural network approaches
(Brac University, 2021-06)Parkinson’s Disease is the second most common neurological disease after Alzheimer’s Disease. The disease is incurable. However, if the disease can be detected earlier, then the consequences of it’s effect can be relieved. ... -
A domain and noise adversarial bird tune classification pipeline using deep neural network
(Brac University, 2022-09-29)Birds are an important category of animals that ecologists keep track of utilizing autonomous recording units as a key indication of environmental health. Because of the consequences of climate change and the rising ... -
Early prediction of Alzheimer's disease using convolutional neural network
(Brac University, 2019-08)Neuroimaging can be a prospective instrument for the diagnosis of Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) along with its more severe stage, Alzheimer's disease (AD). High- dimensional classi cation methods have been commonly ... -
Enhancing eye disease classification through synergistic deep learning approaches
(Brac University, 2023-09)The number of people living with blindness is about 43 million people and 295 million people are living with moderate-to-severe visual impairment. The leading causes of most blindness are macular degeneration, diabetic ... -
Explainable breast cancer detection from Histopathology images using transfer learning and XAI
(Brac University, 2023-01)Nowadays, research on many diseases such as cancer has been ongoing to determine how to reduce and minimise the effect. There are many characteristics of cancer that can be identified by their consistent cell proliferation ... -
Fruit and vegetable freshness detection using deep learning
(Brac University, 2022-09)Bangladesh’s economy depends on agriculture, which contributes significantly to GDP. It’s time to automate agriculture for increased productivity, efficiency, and sustainability. Computer Vision can assist in ensuring ... -
Homomorphic encryption on deep learning in accurate prediction of brain tumour
(Brac University, 2023-01)The brain is the most complicated organ that manages every bodily function as well including intellect, memory, emotion, taste, motor skills, vision, respiration, temperature, and appetite. Any type of disease or damage ... -
A hybrid FL-Enabled ensemble approach for lung disease diagnosis leveraging fusion of SWIN transformer and CNN
(Brac University, 2022-09-22)The significant advancements in computational power create the vast opportunity for using Artificial Intelligence in different applications of healthcare and medical science. A Hybrid FL-Enabled Ensemble Approach For Lung ... -
A hybrid FL-enabled ensemble approach for lung disease diagnosis leveraging fusion of SWIN transformer and CNN
(Brac University, 2022-09-28)The significant advancements in computational power create the vast opportunity for using Artificial Intelligence in different applications of healthcare and medical science. A hybrid FL-enabled ensemble approach for ... -
Identifying malnutrition from facial features of children using deep dearning
(BRAC University, 2024-10)Malnutrition remains a significant global health issue, particularly affecting children, leading to severe developmental challenges. Current diagnostic methods are often inefficient, relying on time-consuming physical ...