Now showing items 1-6 of 6

    • Advanced artificial intelligence self balanced robot for home security 

      Shourove, MD. Niaz Sharif; Mahmud, Khaled; Rahman, Mafruda; Rahman, Tanzim (BRAC University, 2017-12)
      Artificial Intelligence brings intelligent behavior in the field of Robotics. It enables robot to provide services for human in this modernized and changing world and assuredly it can work faster and better at every sector ...
    • Brac University ranks 3rd in University Rover Challenge 

      Dhaka Tribune (Dhaka Tribune, 2020-05-02)
    • A comprehensive study and analysis of artificial intelligence-based waiter robot in restaurant 

      Nafis, Allama Bakhtiyar; Ahammed, Kawsar; Oishi, Humaira Rahman; Afroj, Sumya; Raka, Rezwana Chaudhury (Brac University, 2024-01)
      "The rapid development of technology has led to the implementation of numerous solutions aimed at streamlining processes, one of which is the incorporation of artifi cial intelligence. The Simultaneous Localization and ...
    • Learning the agent specific sub-optimal bound for multi-agent path finding 

      Prova, Ramisa Fariha; Hassan, S. M. Fuad; Sarker, Bijoya; Islam, Shariful; Ishrak, Md. Shamiul Islam Khan (BRAC University, 2024-10)
      Multi-Agent Path Finding (MAPF) is a prominent challenge in robotics and artificial intelligence, encompassing the task of finding collision-free paths for multiple agents sharing a common environment. CBS, a fundamental ...
    • Personal health care companion – a medication assistant robot 

      Zawad, Farhan Sadick; Khan, Md. Sohel Aman; Farabi, Ahmed Rahman; Ankur, Md. Rafi Uddin; Rahaman, Touhidur (BRAC University, 2016-03)
      The purpose of the project is to build a robot which can act as a personal health care companion for elderly people. It will have some sensors to detect any possible injury and to erasure blood pressure, pulse rate and ...
    • Robotics: future of schooling in Bangladesh 

      Noor, Abtahi; Rahman, Tasmia; Ahmed, Monjur; Eshika, Opshora Noshin; Fardin, Faraz; Labby, Ahshanul Mahbub (Brac University Research For Development Club (BURED), 2024-07-03)
      Robotics deals with the knowledge of how to design, construct and develop robots. In the present world, technologies are taking over anything because of the efficiency of work over humans. So, children from schools must ...