Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Agricultural yield and profit prediction using data analysis techniques 

      Hassan, Fazal Mahmud; Zakir, Shamma Binta; Binta, Anik Shamma; Hossain, Syed Maruf (2018-12)
      This research proposes a model that will enable us to predict the agricultural outcome of a country. The prediction will include the agricultural yield for the upcoming years as well as predict the profit margin for ...
    • Crop pest recognition using image processing 

      Ghosh, Pial; Alin, Istiak Ahmed; Chowdhury, Hasan Al Mahmud (BRAC University, 2024-10)
      One of the most vital aspects of a human’s existence is food. Each food contains several nutrients which help in growth and development of the human body. It also prevents our body from various diseases. Most of the food ...