Now showing items 21-28 of 28

    • Jamuna Bank Ltd. and its customer service 

      Pulak, Arijit Podder (BRAC University, 2015-09)
      The primary purpose of this report is to fulfill the degree requirement of Bachelor of Business Administration at BRAC Business School, BRAC University. Internship is must to fulfill academic requirement. The program ...
    • Non-performing loans are affected by macroeconomic factors- perspective of private bank sector in Bangladesh 

      Ferdous, Shamima (BRAC University, 2018-09)
      Having high non-performing is the cause of losing efficiency and the performance of a bank. The private bank sector suffering by the increasing number of NPL for few years. Banks are trying to improve their performance by ...
    • Overview of foreign exchange department of Jamuna Bank Limited (Mirpur-10) branch 

      Ridoy, Sazzad Rahman (Brac University, 2019-05-08)
      Foreign Exchange Operations is one of the most important activities of Commercial Banks. Foreign exchange department performs in some basic functions which This report focuses on and also it will focus on the customer ...
    • Performance analysis and customer satisfaction of Jamuna Bank Limited Mohakhali Branch 

      Naim, Rabiul Islam (Brac University, 2020-12)
      Jamuna Bank Limited is a public company and it started its journey back in 2001. In last 20 years, it has achieved a lot and it has 71 branches in Dhaka division and other branches in rest of the seven divisions. It has a ...
    • Service quality of Jamuna Bank Limited 

      Ausru, Afroza Khan (BRAC University, 2016-08-29)
      This report is made for the internship program of BRAC University, under BBA program. This report has been made by small survey on customers of Jamuna Bank Limited. Preparing this report helped me to know customers’ opinion ...
    • Study of impact on surrounding livelihoods due to riverbank erosion: a case on Shibalaya’s Jamuna Bank of Manikganj 

      Halder, Prem Gopal (BRAC University, 2015-07)
      The Jamuna is the lowest part of the Brahmaputra River. It enters into Bangladesh at Nageshwari Upazila of Kurigram district and ends at Aricha while confluenceing with the Ganges. It is the most dynamic among the rivers ...
    • Training and development of Jamuna bank 

      Tashu, Tanvir hossain (BRAC University, 2015-08)
      Modern Banking is an outcome development driven by changing financial activities and lifestyle. It offers‐the widest range of financial services‐specially credit, savings, and payment services and performs the widest ...
    • Web usability of Jamuna Bank Limited 

      Farabee, Kamrul Hasan (BRAC University, 2017-08-23)
      Internet websites are now considered as a competitive tool to many business that can attract new customers, improve service quality and boost financial performance. But all the website are not effective enough to reach the ...