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dc.contributor.advisorMazumder, Md. Arif Hossain
dc.contributor.authorAhmed, Ehsan©2024
dc.identifier.otherID 18304094
dc.descriptionThis internship report is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Business Administration, 2024.en_US
dc.descriptionCataloged from the PDF version of the internship report.
dc.descriptionIncludes bibliographical references (pages 54-56).
dc.description.abstractIn this report it focuses on my 3 months duration internship experience at CSR Axis Ltd. which is one of the reputed marketing agencies in Bangladesh. CSR Axis Limited specialized at digital marketing by successfully implementing IMC on their clients based on a 360-degree approach. They are comparatively much affordable than other marketing agencies currently present in Bangladesh. I was used to response with those client’s brand's customers on social media platform mostly on Facebook pages. To create a monthly report of those brand's social media campaign insights I had to use Microsoft Excel professionally which helped me to learn this software's application pretty well. I had to join meeting with clients to discuss about their upcoming plans on what will be the next campaign of their brands. By attending these meetings, I have learned how to properly take meeting minutes and report it to the authority when it is needed. I visited some of CSR Axis Ltd.’s client brand’s offices and went there as an executive from CSR Axis Ltd. either to join a meeting or for the photoshoot of their products to see how it actually done by professionals. I had to calculate key performance indicator for client brands. Then assisting the designers to create brand creatives. The major goal of the internship was to apply the knowledge I had learned during the course of the program in real-world work environments. It assisted me in developing both new and mastered abilities, particularly those linked to time management, interpersonal, organizational, communication, etc. I learned how to prioritize my work and better manage my time through a number of challenges. Additionally, it has been helpful for me to learn how to balance my personal and work lives. A competitive edge in the job market, the development of leadership abilities, and the application of classroom information in the real world are all benefits of internships for students. Attending office at sharp 10:00 AM helped me to improve my punctuality. There was a rule if any interns miss to present at office before 10:15 (Here 15 minute is grace period) they have to come office and work for an additional working day. If someone is unable to come office physically, they had to work over the WhatsApp communication remotely. Working with the designers and other executives helped me to excel my teamworking ability. Giving idea for campaign and making creatives or copywriting boosted my critical thinking ability. Making reports for the brands has increased my analytical ability. The most fundamental step in pursuing a professional job is an internship. It provides the best opportunity for practical learning. I was seeking for new experiences and tasks. My career has improved as a result of my successful internship choice. Even though I was an intern in marketing, my responsibilities did not necessarily Page | 6 revolve around my academic expertise. Instead, it felt more like an interactive experience that helped me learn more about the company's many facets and improve my personal qualities for when I enter the real world. From understanding the value of customer service to learning how branding functions in digital media, I acquired all the fundamental knowledge and abilities that would help me stand out when I apply for jobs.en_US
dc.description.statementofresponsibilityEhsan Ahmed
dc.format.extent57 pages
dc.publisherBrac Universityen_US
dc.rightsBrac University internship reports are protected by copyright. They may be viewed from this source for any purpose, but reproduction or distribution in any format is prohibited without written permission.
dc.subjectDigital marketingen_US
dc.subject.lcshMarketing--Technological innovations.
dc.subject.lcshBusiness strategies.
dc.titleExploring through the digital edge: application of present-day tactics in modernized marketing digitally by CSR Axis Limiteden_US
dc.typeInternship reporten_US
dc.contributor.departmentBrac Business School, Brac University
dc.description.degreeB. Business Administration

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