Power grid classification through Electrical Network Frequency
A general review of certain techniques for power grid analysis and power signatures detection is
presented in this paper. After some motivation and research on the existing trends on solving this
issue of supply network system problems, particular techniques are described with proper analysis.
Identifying such issues through a series of methodological steps, a solution can be predicted for
designing better grids for a futuristic system. Such identi cations can be done through software
analysis of the power grid data. The main objective of this paper is the chronological overview and
analysis of audio signals received from certain grid machines that can be utilized to detect errors
or irregularities through pattern recognition technique and exploring feature detection algorithm.
Performing a software analysis of electrical network frequency extraction, pattern recognition and
accuracy measurement, certain information can be obtained. These information can be compared
and matched in di erent ratios and percentages to get better accuracy of results. Finally, a solution
for the existing issue can be predicted based on the analyzed results. The techniques for power grid
analysis and detection followed in this research can be very useful for a number of other software
based research works of similar interests.