Image processing through terminal using voice and text commands
We proposed a new approach of image processing based on terminal using voice and text
commands. Any terminal in operating system has a purpose which is doing tasks in a very short
time. In the proposed method a terminal is developed to take input as text or voice commands.
Where the terminals used in operating systems can be used to modify tasks or implement task or
organize them, our terminal is not very different except for it will work on images. The idea we
proposed enhances the functionalities of a conventional terminal but focuses on processing
images. Also the fact that voice recognition is added as an external feature increases the very
idea of image processing and adds to the modern computing world concept of human computer
interfacing. The terminal will work as a medium of taking inputs then it will send it to the main
program or engine that converts the inputs as commands and implements it over an image. The
idea of doing image processing via terminal is more powerful because it gives more control and
takes less time than processing images in regular way. Hopefully our work will add a new phase
to the current understandings and ways to do image processing. Besides adding voice recognition
as human computer interfacing will add up to the modern ways of computer technology.