Implementation of classroom monitoring methods: a study from Bangladeshi context
This research focuses on the types of classroom monitoring techniques of the teachers
while teaching and learning English for the secondary level students in different
Bangladeshi schools. Classroom monitoring techniques as; participating in activities,
eliciting the information, motivating to participate in activities and giving helpful
feedback are the important role of teachers while students’ are engaging in individual or
pair or group works. There are two types of monitoring; active or participate and discreet
or vanish monitoring. Active monitoring is to monitor the classroom activities with equal
participation of a teacher by helping with language items and continuously giving
correction. On the other hand, discreet monitoring is to monitor the activities without
providing frequent help and participating in the groups (Scrivener, 2011, p.68). How a
teacher monitors the activities in class depends up to him/her preferences. The hypothesis
of this study is: the teachers’ preferences ways of monitoring at this level in Bangladesh
and how much the learners’ are benefited from it. To test the hypothesis, an interview
session will arrange with the school teachers and a survey questionnaire will provide to
know their perception about different classroom monitoring systems. In addition,
students’ questionnaire scripts will also provide to find out what types of monitoring are
practiced in their class and which method they prefer most to be a successful learner. The
study will also investigate the reasons of challenges and difficulties of implementing
classroom monitoring techniques and possible recommendations to make an effective use
of monitoring activities that promotes learners’ performance.
This thesis is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in English, 2017.Department
Department of English and Humanities, BRAC UniversityType
- Thesis, B.A. (English) [647]